Alzheimers New Zealand challenges Kiwis to get creative for a cause

With 70,000 people in Aotearoa New Zealand living with dementia mate wareware, Alzheimers NZ is challenging creative Kiwis to help raise $70,000 as part of their new community fundraising challenge, Create for Dementia.
Whether it’s painting, knitting, music, woodworking, pottery, baking, photography, graphic design or any other medium, the campaign challenges people of all ages and skill levels to set themselves an artistic challenge for the month of June and raise funds for a good cause.
All funds raised go directly to Alzheimers New Zealand to help their continued efforts in nationwide education, research and advocacy work, as well as providing frontline support for Kiwi families living with dementia mate wareware.
Creator registrations are now open via the website. The event will take place 1-30 June, 2023.
Why are we creating for dementia? Creative thinking sparks new neural connections in the brain and strengthens existing ones. This kind of mental stimulation helps reduce the risk of developing dementia mate wareware. By participating in Create for Dementia, creators will not only have fun making art and developing new skills, they’ll also be working out their brains and reducing their own chances of developing dementia mate wareware in the future, all the while giving back to our communities.
“Keeping our brains active through being creative is a great way to contribute to our brain health,” says Alzheimers New Zealand Chief Executive, Catherine Hall. “I encourage you to try your hand at creating something for Create for Dementia and fundraise for a great cause!”