Alzheimers NZ advocates for all people affected by dementia mate wareware to be treated with respect and dignity, and to exercise their rights to contribute to and participate in their communities. We amplify the voice of people and their whānau living with dementia mate wareware, so they have high quality health and wellness.

Our work is underpinned by the Dementia Declaration which was developed by the Alzheimers NZ Lived Experience Advisory Group.

We urge the Government to fully fund and implement the sector-wide Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan. Implementing the Action Plan will help reduce the future incidence and provide better care and support for New Zealanders living with dementia mate wareware and reduce the significant consequences for individuals and whānau, the health system and the economy.

Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan 2020-2025

Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan 2020-2025

This five-year Action Plan was developed in collaboration between Alzheimers NZ, Dementia New Zealand, the New Zealand Dementia Foundation and the Mate Wareware Advisory Rōpū.

Policy documents and submissions

Policy documents and submissions

Our policy documents are a platform for communicating directly with government and key decision makers.



We commissioned our research projects and work closely with different organisations for a range of research. Check out some of the reports that help inform what we do.

Campaign with us

Campaign with us

Keen to get involved and help make a difference? You can support us to campaign for these changes using some of these ideas!