Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan – It’s time for action
We are pleased to release the updated Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan.

The numbers of people living with dementia mate wareware are increasing fast. Funding for existing services is woefully inadequate and the system is struggling to deliver culturally responsive and equitable services.
Aotearoa New Zealand desperately needs to do something to address what is a major and growing health priority and the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan provides the government with all the answers it needs.
After being submitted to government in May 2020, the Plan has been revised and updated in partnership with the Mate Wareware Advisory Rōpū, strengthening its Kaupapa Māori and equity provisions and to reflect the restructure of Aotearoa New Zealand’s health system.
Kaiwhakarite of the Mate Wareware Advisory Rōpū, Dr Makarena Dudley, acknowledges the partnership with Māori in the development of the plan: “This plan addresses the inequities experienced by Māori as well as other cultural groups living with mate wareware in Aotearoa New Zealand.”
We are urging the Minister of Health Andrew Little and the Associate Minister Dr Verrall to accept and implement the plan as the government’s formal response to what is predicted to be a looming dementia crisis for New Zealand.
The Dementia Economic Impact Report (DEIR) showed dementia numbers spiking in New Zealand, with a particularly strong growth curve among Māori, Pasifika and Asian communities.
You can show your support for the plan by signing an open letter to the Ministers that urges them to deliver for dementia.
The Dementia Economic Impact Report reinforces the size and scale of the challenge dementia mate wareware presents. It’s time for government to act. We remain ready, willing and able to work with government and health sector agencies to implement this Plan.
Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan
We are urging the government to take action on dementia by adopting a national plan. The Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan is our blueprint.
Stand with us
Sign our open letter
We are urging the Minister of Health to take action and #DeliverForDementia. Please sign our open letter and stand with us.