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Help shape the future of dementia mate wareware learning in Aotearoa New Zealand Post Cover Image

Have your say on how the Dementia Learning Centre can best support our dementia mate wareware community with learning across the country. We want to draw from innovative approaches to learning to effectively respond to the emergent and diverse needs of our community.

We recognise the excellent dementia learning resources already available. Our goal is not to duplicate these efforts, but to identify gaps and collaborate with the community to build a consistent standard across the country, informed by many voices.

We would like to invite everybody who shares an interest in improving dementia mate wareware education and innovative solutions to join us!

Your insights are crucial in helping us:

  • Identify existing strengths in education
  • Pinpoint areas where additional resources are needed
  • Develop complementary learning services that enhance the overall landscape of dementia mate wareware care
  • Understand if there’s a need for consultancy services that draw from both lived expertise and evidence-based practice

We’re offering three tailored online sessions to capture diverse perspectives:

1. People and their whānau living dementia mate wareware

Share your experiences and help us understand what learning resources would be most beneficial for you and your support network. We also want to hear about what’s working for you and where the gaps are.

2. Community businesses and services

We want to know how we can tailor our support to deliver education and services to support you to make your services more inclusive. This session might interest groups like NGOs and local businesses that provide services to people living with dementia mate wareware.

3. Workforce

Whether you’re an individual practitioner or part of an organisation providing care across the continuum – from pre-diagnosis to ongoing support – we want to hear about your learning needs and any complex challenges you encounter in your practice, what training works for you and where there are gaps.

Can’t make it to a live session?

We still want to hear from you! Please complete our survey online until Friday 24 August:

Join us in this important conversation and help create a more cohesive, effective and innovative approach to dementia mate wareware care learning for all of Aotearoa New Zealand.

For any questions or additional information, please contact Dementia Learning Centre Director Caroline Bartle via email on education@alzheimers.org.nz.