Let’s move! Team Poa encourage people to join Move for Dementia

Dance? Walk? Or maybe, a game of cricket?
Move for Dementia is a fundraising challenge by Alzheimers NZ to encourage people to get moving as part of World Alzheimers Month in September. Keeping active is one way people can help reduce their risk of dementia mate wareware.
Sisa Talataina and her whānau have shared their journey of dementia mate wareware previously with Alzheimers NZ.
Her Dad, Pousinago (Poa) Talataina, was a very good cricketer and musician. He was a quiet, caring and loving parent who would be the one Sisa and her siblings would go to, if their mother said no. The journey has been tough on the whānau – particularly Sisa’s Mum who has now lost her best friend, soulmate and husband.
Poa lives at a residential aged care facility, for the last three years. Between Sisa and her immediate family, they are always with him when he wakes up at 7am to bed time at 6.30pm – a tribute to how much they love and care for him.
Sisa says Move for Dementia is an opportunity for the whānau to come together for a good cause, to support everyone living with dementia mate wareware as well as in honour of their Dad.
“People are aware of Dad’s journey and that he’s got dementia. I know everyone’s trying to support him and us in any way! The challenge is just to do something for 30 minutes each day and it might be a dance or a walk.”
Sisa says being able to share their story through Alzheimers NZ has helped support the conversations around dementia mate wareware within her wider whānau and her communities.
“We really want to contribute to the mahi (work) of Alzheimers NZ and it’s a really good way to get everyone involved especially as Dad’s condition has deteriorated and can no longer do anything for himself anymore.”
Sign up to Move for Dementia online to set yourself a challenge and fundraise for a good cause this World Alzheimers Month!
Caption: Pousinago (Poa) Talataina (right) and his eldest grandson and namesake Poa-Carlos Talataina