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Questions linger following fourth and final Repositioning Dementia event Post Cover Image

What’s next? A rhetorical question with a very short answer – we don’t know… yet.

Repositioning Dementia: What’s next? was the fourth and final one-day event in the series by Alzheimers NZ.  We were delighted almost 220 people registered to join us both in Wellington and online on Tuesday 24 September.

The event marked World Alzheimers Month, and rounds off the series of events – A new start, Let’s get real and Seeking solutions – since March 2023.

The day asked the very vexed question what’s next? For the sector, from Government, for research, in education and most importantly, for people and their whānau living with dementia mate wareware.

There was an incredible line-up of speakers on the day, including Dr Ngaire Kerse who spoke to the recently released World Alzheimer Report 2024 on global changes to attitudes to dementia. Another highlight were the sessions where people generously shared their experience – a huge thank you to the Alzheimers NZ Lived Experience Advisory Group, Kamanie Silochan and Milou and Corey Barrett for sharing their whānau stories.

Alzheimers NZ Chief Executive Catherine Hall says older New Zealanders – especially those with dementia mate wareware – have been let down by a dangerous lack of policy foresight.

“We need to give this Government solutions, which we have in abundance, and give them evidence they will deliver results. Which we have been doing,” she says.

“But we also need Government to listen! Because how can the system expect to design something that works without using the expertise and insights of the very people, many of whom are with us today, who make it work, and who have the necessary knowledge and experience?

“We’re not asking for hand-outs. We’re asking to work in partnership with Government and officials.”

One the day, we appreciated Associate Minister of Health Hon Casey Costello expressing her commitment to the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan and to supporting all people living with dementia mate wareware, including the vast majority who live in the community for most of their journey.

It was also great to hear Health NZ Director Ageing Well Andy Inder confirm the Aged Care Funding and Service Models Review is planning for increased demand in dementia and psychogeriatric beds in aged residential care.

Attendees said the final event was the best yet and said:

  • One of the best online training days I have had the privilege to be part of
  • A great mix of “heart and head” presentations providing a lot to think about
  • Good variety of speakers and related topics to push on to dig deeper
  • I’ve been inspired by your brilliant presenters and given hope that together we can reposition dementia

Repositioning Dementia: What’s next? was supported by sponsors Ryman Healthcare, Summerset, Office for Seniors, Audika and Freemasons Foundation and charity partner Verve – thank you for the ongoing support.

Thanks too to all of our wonderful speakers who pay to attend our events so we can continue to make these free of charge to people living with dementia mate wareware and their whānau care partners.

While the Repositioning Dementia series has ended, we’ll be back in 2025 … watch this space!