Share your voice as part of the Alzheimers New Zealand Advisory Group

The Alzheimers New Zealand Advisory Group is always on the lookout for new members – both people with dementia mate wareware and care partners/whānau.
These groups are vital to ensure Alzheimers organisations around Aotearoa New Zealand are grounded in the experience, needs and expectations of people living with dementia mate wareware.
Being part of the group requires your time for both in person and virtual hui (meetings). It’s a supportive environment to talk to, hear from and test ideas with people and whānau living with dementia mate wareware.
Alister Roberston, who lives with dementia mate wareware, has been part of the group for the last few years.
“It’s great to have an organisation that lives ‘there is nothing about us, without us’ which enables people with the lived experience to have a voice and input via the Advisory Group, on the services provided, policy and document development and advice on support and care,” he says.
Fiona Parrant, a current member and whānau care partner, says the group is one of the best ways to support people living with dementia mate wareware. It’s an opportuniy to give advice, learn, share stories and guide what can happen in the future – and it isn’t too time consuming!
“When you’re passionate about the support a whānau member has and concerned that what is available currently isn’t ‘good enough’ for them – then I say get involved, do something that has real impact,” she says.
“We are the face of reality, the reminder how dementia mate wareware affects us, me as a care partner, others on the group as a person with dementia mate wareware; we provide ideas, have input into research topics and how services for people with dementia mate wareware can be improved.
“We advise not only Alzheimers New Zealand, but General Practitioners, the Law Commission around capacity, present at the conference together and so much more.”
Fiona says the biggest bonus is the people.
“Our advisory team are just awesome – we really care about each other and the support from Alzheimers NZ, especially Lyneta is brilliant! It’s not scary at all… we are listened to.”
If you or anyone you know is interested in joining, please contact Services and Standards Advisor Lyneta Russell on for more information.
CAPTION: Members of the Alzheimers New Zealand Advisory Group at a recent in-person hui