Carer Support Groups
These meetings are facilitated by our Navigators and held in Whakatane, Kawerau and Opotiki. They provide an opportunity to:
- meet others in a similar situation and receive mutual support
- access information and education
- receive information relevant to your present situation and needs
- learn tips and techniques to manage and share ideas with other carers
- focus on your own self care
Carer Support Groups held monthly (unless otherwise advised):
Venue: Whakatane Library, 49 Kakahoroa Drive, Whakatane
Time: 10.30am to 12 Midday
Tuesday 25th February
Tuesday 25th March
Tuesday 29th April
Tuesday 27th May
Tuesday 24th June
Tuesday 29th July
Tuesday 26th August
Tuesday 30th September*
Tuesday 28th October
*Please note that the meeting of 30th September will be held at an alternative venue (to be advised) due to the library not being available during school holidays.
Navigators Contact Details
Lesley Harris Phone 027 382 4442 Email
Lee Harper Phone 027 231 9868 Email
Venue: Bert Hamilton Hall, 4 Porritt Drive, Kawerau
Time: 10.30am to 12 Midday
Thursday 20th February
Thursday 20th March
Thursday 17th April
Thursday 15th May
Thursday 12th June
Thursday 10th July
Thursday 7th August
Thursday 18th September
Thursday 16th October
Navigators Contact Details
Ann O’Neil Phone 027 305 9547 Email
Lesley Harris Phone 027 382 4442 Email
Venue: Heartlands REAP, 93A Church Street, Opokiki
Time: 10.30am to 12 Midday
Tuesday 25th March
Tuesday 29th April
Tuesday 27th May
Tuesday 24th June
Tuesday 29th July
Tuesday 26th August
Tuesday 30th September
Tuesday 28th October
Navigator Contact Details
Elayne Tangitu Phone 027 382 9212 Email
Details are in our in our newsletter.
For further information please call our office on 07 308 0525.