Celebrate World Alzheimers Month at Repositioning Dementia: What’s next?

September is World Alzheimers Month – and what better way to mark this occasion than joining Alzheimers NZ’s flagship event Repositioning Dementia: What’s next?
The event will be held on Tuesday 24 September 2024 at National Library of New Zealand, Wellington and online. It has an updated start time of 8.45am.
The three kaupapa of the day – the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan, human rights and lived experience and research – all support the World Alzheimers Month theme of stigma: ‘Time to act on dementia, time to act on Alzheimers’.
“Stigma is one of the most significant issues people living with dementia mate wareware face. We’ll have some real insights into how stigma can affect the dementia mate wareware journey hearing from the Alzheimers NZ Lived Experience Advisory Group and Milou Barrett and whānau, among others,” says Chief Executive Catherine Hall.
“We’re delighted Associate Minister of Health Hon Casey Costello has again agreed to speak at the event, and we’re looking forward to what she has to share. We’ve almost finalised the event programme, and are excited to welcome all our speakers!”
This includes Dr Susanne Röhr, on lifestyle interventions risk reduction, and Dr Ngaire Kerse, who will launch the World Alzheimer Report 2024 in Aotearoa New Zealand on global attitudes to dementia mate wareware.
This is the fourth and final event in the Repositioning Dementia series, and is aptly titled ‘What’s next?’ to question the future direction of the sector.
Catherine says there will be something for everyone – from people and their whānau living with dementia mate wareware, local service providers, clinicians, researchers, politicians, and other NGOs. We hope to see you there!
Please note if you have signed up for any other Repositioning Dementia event, you will still need to register for this event for access.
Keep up to date and register for Repositioning Dementia: What’s next? on our events page
Have your say
Have you joined any one of our Repositioning Dementia events? We’d love your feedback to help us think about the best way to bring the sector together going forward.
We introduced this series of one-day events to replace our flagship biennial conference and keep you up-to-date with what’s going on!
We’ve put together a short survey which will only take you a few minutes. Thanks for taking the time to fill it out.