Programme now available for Repositioning Dementia: Seeking solutions

Repositioning Dementia: Seeking solutions will showcase what the sector can do to support people and their whānau living with dementia mate wareware in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The event will be held on Thursday 21 March 2024 in Auckland and online, and will also mark Brain Awareness Month.
Alzheimers NZ has shared what people can expect from the programme and registrations are now open.
This is the third event in the one-day series and will continue to focus on our three kaupapa of the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan, research and the lived experience of dementia mate wareware.
“We know things are moving fast, and with the change in government we hope this will be an opportunity for us to put our cards on the table and let those decision makers know what needs to change,” says Alzheimers NZ Chief Executive Catherine Hall.
“There is already so much knowledge and experience in the sector and we need to help bring this to the forefront of people’s minds. There’s been a lot of work progressing over the last year so I’m excited to offer up some solutions, and bring back some of our speakers to update us.”
We’re delighted some speakers and organisations are coming back to share their progress with us. This includes Te Whatu Ora with an update on their plans to implement the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan and their approach to evaluating the Budget 2022 pilots, Dr Makarena Dudley on the MANA tool and Dr Matthew Croucher talking about post-diagnostic supports.
We’ll also welcome Professor Cliff Abraham to talking about drug research and biomarkers, Litmus talking about the latest research they have done for us, and the New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services with their report exploring the context for kaumātua in Aotearoa New Zealand.
“These events are a crucial platform for our voices be heard, and I do encourage you to join no matter your connection to the sector,” says Catherine.
“Whether you’re living with dementia mate wareware, a care partner, a clinician, researcher or part of the wider NGO sector, there will be something for you!”
Please note if you have signed up for the first and/or second event, you will still need to register for this event for access.
Keep up to date with Repositioning Dementia on our events page.