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New dementia friendly organisations delighted with recognition Post Cover Image

What a fantastic few months it’s been for our dementia friendly organisations! A further four organisations have been recognised as Working to be Dementia Friendly.

The organisations are Abode Home Care, Jack Inglis Aged Care Home, Rotorua Library at Te Aka Mauri and Westland District Library – congratulations!

Alzheimers NZ Dementia Friendly Advisor Dr Meg Spriggs says it’s great to see so many organisations jumping on the dementia friendly waka (boat).

“Becoming a Dementia Friendly business or organisation shows you’re a friendly, accepting and supportive place for people with dementia mate wareware. But not only that – it means your organisation is generally more accessible for everybody,” she says.

“There is no one way to being inclusive. These four organisations have all found unique ways to improve accessibility in their different settings.

“Many organisations are already doing their best to be accessible, but this is a great opportunity to help formalise those efforts.”

Here’s what they had to say about the recognition:

Abode Home Care

“Abode is delighted to be recognised as Working to be Dementia Friendly. This acknowledgement reflects Abode’s commitment to continually improving our services and training to meet the specific needs of those affected by dementia and their families. We are passionate about fostering a compassionate, safe, respectful and understanding care environment tailored to the unique needs of those we care for.”

Adobe Home Care Managing Director Janelle Ellis

Rotorua library

“During the past six year of delivering dementia-related programmes, Rotorua Library staff have seen first-hand the opportunities and benefits this mahi has on our community. Our dementia programmes, books and memory aids are improving the sense of wellbeing for adults with dementia and ensuring they feel a sense of inclusiveness, normality and enjoyment at the library and at home. The support provided also reduces the stress on whanau trying to cope with a significant and often confusing change in their and their loved one’s life. Rotorua Library are committed to making sure we continue on this journey with all our staff.”

Te Aka Mauri Director Julianne Wilkinson

Westland District Library

“Westland District Library is delighted to be recognised as Working to be Dementia Friendly by Alzheimers New Zealand. This recognition demonstrates our commitment to providing safe, welcoming spaces and inclusive services. The number of New Zealanders living with dementia mate wareware is increasing at an unprecedented rate, and the associated stigma remains the biggest barrier to their quality of life. All staff have completed the Dementia Friend training, and the library is well positioned to support people living with dementia mate wareware and their families, contributing to a kinder, more supportive community.”

Libraries Manager Natasha Morris

Find out more about the Dementia Friendly Recognition Programme on the Alzheimers NZ website.

Caption (above): Rotorua Library at Te Aka Mauri Te Aka Mauri Director Julianne Wilkinson and Adult Learning, Programmes and Promotions Lead Joanne Dillon

Westland District Library’s Natasha Morris and Libby Hicks
Westland District Library’s Natasha Morris and Libby Hicks
Adobe Home Care Managing Director Janelle Ellis
Adobe Home Care Managing Director Janelle Ellis