We all forget things from time to time and often complain our memory isn’t what it used to be, but this doesn’t necessarily mean we’re getting dementia mate wareware.

Memory loss from dementia mate wareware is quite different to occasionally forgetting things. Memory loss from dementia mate wareware isn’t just occasional and it keeps getting worse. It may affect a person’s ability to work and carry out everyday tasks, which may eventually include how to dress, bathe, walk or recognise whānau.

It helps to know what are probably just normal changes in the brain as we age and what may be linked to dementia mate wareware. If you’re worried about your memory, go and see your GP or primary healthcare provider, because depression, stress, the side effects of some medication, and other treatable conditions might be behind any memory loss.


  • An older person’s memories may sometimes be vague.
  • A person with dementia mate wareware may forget all or part of an event.

Words or names

  • An older person might sometimes forget or have words or names that are on the ‘tip of the tongue’.
  • Someone with dementia mate wareware may progressively forget words or names, or use the wrong word for something.

Stories on TV, in movies or books

  • An older person is able to follow storylines.
  • People with dementia mate wareware may become increasingly unable to follow storylines.

Written and verbal directions

  • An older person is able to follow directions.
  • People with dementia mate wareware can become increasingly unable to follow directions.

Knowledge and information

  • Although recall may be slower, an older person can essentially remember information.
  • Over time, a person with dementia mate wareware can lose known information such as historical or political events.

Everyday tasks such as dressing and cooking

  • Unless there’s a physical reason, an older person can perform these tasks.
  • A person with dementia mate wareware can progressively lose the ability to do these everyday tasks.