Thanks for supporting World Alzheimers Month 2024
Tackling the stigma around dementia mate wareware

Stigma is still real for many people and their whānau living with dementia mate wareware and can stop people reaching out for the support they need.
“There’s a real lack of knowledge about dementia in the Pacific community and a lot of misunderstanding and stigma associated with it,” says Sisa Talataina, referring to the launch of the World Alzheimer Report 2024 – Global changes in attitudes to dementia.
This is just one example of what Alzheimers NZ has been tackling this September as part of World Alzheimers Month. The theme for 2024 is ‘Time to act on dementia, time to act on Alzheimers’.
There are currently 70,000 people living with dementia mate wareware in Aotearoa New Zealand, and this is expected to increase 240 percent in the next 30 years.
“As individuals, we can all play our part by simply having a conversation about dementia mate wareware and learning more. Let’s break the silence – it’s time to act on dementia!” says Alzheimers NZ Chief Executive Catherine Hall.
Here’s what we’ve been up to this World Alzheimers Month.
Out and about
Our fourth and final Repositioning Dementia: What’s next? one-day was held Wellington and online. We had some amazing feedback on the day and look forward to what next year brings.
There were many highlights, including the kōrero on the World Alzheimer Report 2024 by Dr Ngaire Kerse, an insight into what the Dementia Declaration means to the Alzheimers New Zealand Lived Experience Advisory Group.
The Aotearoa New Zealand premiere of film Human Forever kicked off the month with screenings in Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch – support by the joint effort of Alzheimers NZ, Dementia NZ, Doc Edge and Home4All.
We were delighted Associate Minister of Health Hon Casey Costello joined us for both events and were encouraged by her commitment to the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan.
Local Alzheimers organisations also had a jam-packed calendar of events. Alzheimers Gisborne/Tairawhiti held its annual spud in a bucket fundraiser, Brendon ‘‘Maysie’’ May is set out to keep wheels turning for eight hours for Alzheimers South Canterbury, and Eastern Bay of Plenty saw a ceramics art show.
Stigma is one of the key issues in the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan we need to address.
World Alzheimers Month saw the launch of the World Alzheimer Report 2024 on global attitudes to dementia mate wareware.
Thanks to the more than 530 people who took part in the global attitudes to dementia mate wareware survey earlier in the year to help bring this together!
We were also busy with the Heath Select Committee Inquiry into aged care. We presented our oral submission and were delighted to support Dementia NZ with theirs. There was some great coverage on the NZ Herald and
We gave the Parliamentary Friends of Dementia an insight into living with dementia mate wareware with our Educational Dementia Immersive Experience (EDIE). It was great they could take the time out of their busy schedules for the experience, and we’re sure it’ll be one to remember.
Alzheimers NZ is urging Government to implement the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan, design and implement an integrated continuum of care for older people and fairly fund local Alzheimers and dementia mate wareware services.
Distinguished neurologist and cognitive neuroscientist, Dr Campbell Le Heron, was named the 2024 Alzheimers NZ Fellow for his work researching and supporting cognitive disorders. Well done, Campbell!
Alzheimers Disease International Deputy CEO and Director of Policy, Communications and Publications Chris Lynch joined our latest podcast to talk about why it’s so important to tackle the stigma around dementia mate wareware.
There was also some great media coverage including these pieces on the World Alzheimer Report 2024 on NZ Doctor and Newstalk ZB, our Fellow on NZ Doctor and Human Forever on Radio NZ.
Tackling stigma
By increasing awareness and support, we can make a real difference to people and their whānau living with dementia mate wareware.
Were you one of the more than 4000 people who read our article on Stuff? Or maybe your heard one of our radio advertisements that were listened to more than 153,000 times? We also ran a series of social media videos asking people in the street what they know about dementia mate wareware.
There were some amazing fundraisers who took on our Move for Dementia challenge, and you may have seen some of the social media posts shared by our friends and partners.
This includes the Aged Care Association, Aged Care Commissioner, Age Concern New Zealand, AFM Group, Alzheimer’s Disease International, Audika, cGP Lab, Dementia NZ, Doc Edge, Freemasons Foundations, Home4All, Office for Seniors, Mary Potter Hospice, Neurological Foundation, Public Trust, Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi, lead partner Ryman Healthcare, Summerset, and many others!
We appreciate your ongoing support. Thanks for taking the time to act on dementia!
Caption: Alzeheimers NZ, Dementia NZ, Home4All, Doc Edge and filmaker Jonathan de Jong and Teun Toebes pictured above