Save the date for final Repositioning Dementia event

We’re excited to let you know our fourth and final Repositioning Dementia event will be held in September to mark World Alzheimers Month!
The final event will focus on our three kaupapa of the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan, research and the lived experience of dementia mate wareware.
We’ll share more details – including the registration link – with you soon. For now, save the date for Tuesday 24 September in Wellington and online.
Alzheimers NZ Chief Executive Catherine Hall says the final event is a natural progression in the sector’s journey over the last few years.
“We were optimistic when we started these events, and thought there was meaningful change coming for the dementia mate wareware sector in Aotearoa New Zealand. There was ‘A new start’ which we brought to life with ‘Let’s get real’.
“We already know what the solutions are – in the sector-wide Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan – and now, we want to know – what’s next? For the sector, from Government, for research, in education and, most importantly, for people and their whānau living with dementia mate wareware.
“We do hope you’ll join us for Repositioning Dementia: What’s next? We already have some fantastic speakers confirmed, and will share more details shortly!”
People and their whānau living with dementia mate wareware, health professionals, policy and decision makers, care workers, educators and researchers and managers of healthcare sectors are all encouraged to attend – there will be something for everyone.
Please note if you have signed up for a previous event, you will still need to register for this event. Find out more about our previous events online: