Our services

Wither Road Club
Alzheimers Marlborough runs Wither Road Club (day respite) five days a week for people with Dementia.
This club is held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30 am – 3.30 pm, and offers a program of stimulation, challenge and fun for people with dementia and a respite break for their carers.
Entertainment is provided by visiting groups, and members take part in exercise and craft activities all specially tailored to their abilities.
Image caption: Staff & Volunteers dishing up lunch
On a nice day club members are taken on outings in our van for picnics and to visit places of interest. Members also benefit from walks around the neighbourhood always accompanied by staff or volunteers. An important part of the day is centred around reminiscing.
Wither Road Club members have a hot mid-day meal, morning and afternoon tea all freshly cooked on the premises.
To be eligible for Wither Road Club, the person with dementia will have been referred by a member of the medical profession after a diagnosis of dementia is made.
Referrals can also be received by our community worker from concerned members of family, neighbours etc. Our community workers will guide the carer through the process of obtaining funding from the Nelson Marlborough District Heath Board (NMDHB) Support Works, assessing the suitability of the person with dementia for Forget-Me-Not Club, and then helping the carer complete the necessary paperwork.
We like to have a history of the person with dementia including past interests, family etc. This helps staff at Alzheimers Marlborough get to know the club member and to provide triggers for conversation at the club.
The Wither Road Club has a van for picking up club members. This van is also used for outings and day trips. The van driver leaves the club about 9am so the club member may be picked up any time between 9 and 10am, depending on the route. The van leaves the club at 3.30pm so the club member will be dropped off sometime after this time. Families can arrange their own transport if preferred.
The club is situated at The Alzheimers Centre, 8 Wither Road, Witherlea, Blenheim. The facility has been built to meet the needs of club members, providing a homely welcoming environment. The gardens, some raised to enable all members to potter, are enjoyed by club members.
Most people who come to the Wither Road Club receive a subsidy from NMDHB Support Works, which is paid directly to Alzheimers Marlborough. Our community support workers can help carers with applications for this funding.
If the person with dementia is not eligible for this subsidy, private members fees will be discussed before starting at the Club. WINZ disability allowance may be available.
Carer's day off
We want carers to have a relaxing “day off”, whilst their loved one is at club.
Carers can also take advantage of the Education being offered, or the social get-togethers organised by Alzheimers Marlborough.
A Community Worker is always available if you have a problem you want to talk over.
For further information please contact us on 03 5776172 or email office.marlb@alzheimers.org.nz
Community Support
Our community service is an integral part of the support offered by Alzheimers Marlborough to people diagnosed with dementia and their families/whānau.
The community support team can assist people with:
- understanding dementia
- coming to terms with a diagnosis
- adapting to changes within relationships
- grief and loss related to change
- future planning
- reducing stress and social isolation
- managing behavioural changes
- legal and financial issues
- abuse/neglect.
One of our community workers can arrange to meet you and/or your family/whanau at your home or at the Alzheimers Marlborough Centre to discuss your situation, including any concerns and needs you may have. Community support enables you to access information, educational courses, and materials and services from Alzheimers Marlborough and the wider community. Based on your choices and unique situation, a community worker will advocate on your behalf when necessary and will assist you in coping with change, in order to achieve the best outcome possible.
Referrals for community support can come via the Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation team, GPs and Practice Nurses, Psychiatric Services for the elderly, and any other service within the NMDHB. You may also self-refer in order to access community work support by speaking to a community worker at the Alzheimers Marlborough Centre situated at 8 Wither Road, within our opening hours (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 8.30 am to 4.00 pm) or by calling 03 5776172.
Alongside individual and family casework, our community workers also facilitate support and social groups throughout the year at the Alzheimers Marlborough Centre to maximise the support and information available to clients.
Carer Support Group
This group is for family, friends and supporters of those with dementia. It is a place to:
- meet others in a similar situation in a safe environment
- share what it is like to care for someone with memory loss
- learn practical ideas for coping and gain knowledge about dementia from others
- listen to guest speakers with information applicable to your circumstances
A carer may be a family member, friend or neighbour. You do not have to be living with a person with dementia to attend this group.