Support us

Support Us
Alzheimers Taranaki is a registered charity and has been operating for over 30 years providing support to people throughout the region affected by dementia.
We are governed by a board, employ 11 staff members and also rely heavily on a wonderful team of around 50 volunteers to run day programmes, support groups, and provide education to the public as well as support to individuals and families.
We are a very busy organisation, with about 700 clients (people living with dementia and their carers/family & whanau) and we are getting busier as we live longer and the risk of developing dementia increases with age.
Your donation to our charitable organisation will help to maintain and expand our free service and properly equip us to provide the appropriate resources to allow us to grow and develop together in our endeavours to help and assist our people and our community.

Every little bit helps!
Here are some ways you can donate:
1. Head on over to our Give a Little page, to donate via credit/debit card
or internet banking:
2. Post your donation to (please remember we cannot accept cheques from June 21)
Alzheimers Taranaki Inc.
PO Box 8303
New Plymouth, 4342
3. Pop into our office with your donation and say hello, we’d love to say thank you in person.
14 Manakohi St, Spotswood
Thank you for your generosity. We are truly grateful.
For further information or enquiries regarding donations to Alzheimers Taranaki,
please do not hesitate to contact us on (06) 769-6916