Our Team

Tracy Robinson
Kia Ora tatou. Ko Tracy toku ingoa. I am the manager for the Alzheimers Gisborne/Tairawhiti office and its services. I endeavour to make sure everything is running smoothly for our staff and clients on a day-to-day basis. I also organise events and fundraising along with being the person who answers the phone and will be the face you see when you pop into the office.

Dementia Navigator
Rayleen Wright
Tairawhiti is my turangawaewae and this community is where my heart is. I have lived here for 24 years, I have been a carer for many years in different capacities and understand the isolation, exhaustion and everything surrounding our loved ones including the grief and loss. I also would say that celebrating the “moments” is very important and I would love to talk more about that sometime.
I love to be in the kitchen, in the background, but just as much, love to be encouraging others and speaking at events. You may have seen me over the years supporting all sorts of events around the motu and with my hahi whanau, The Salvation Army. I am looking forward to meeting you all and having a korero/a chat with you and seeing how I can support you and your whanau on your journey.
Nga mihi me nga manaakitanga

Sherwood Club
Azure Hyde
Azure works in the Sherwood Club, 3 days a week. Currently Azure is the Supervisor until the position is filled with a permanent appointment.
Azure is very creative and enjoys encouraging our clients to discover their hidden talents when she introduces them to activities such as harakeke weaving, sewing, cooking and painting.

The Carers Support Group
Janet Willson
The Carers Support Group is hosted by one of our volunteers Janet Willson. This group is open to anyone caring for a person with dementia who would like some peer support, guidance and from time to time, education sessions are organised on related issues. The group meets once a month. Membership is free and attendance is flexible.

The Social Club
Lynn Omer
The Social Club is for anyone who wants to meet monthly for a cup of coffee and a chat. This group is organised by Lynn Omer