Our role includes raising awareness of dementia mate wareware, providing information and resources, advocating for high quality services, providing practical tools to support a future where people are heard, valued and supported, and promoting research.

We support local Alzheimers NZ organisations throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, each of which is a member of Alzheimers NZ.

Our local Alzheimers organisations provide support, education, information, and related services directly to members of their communities who are affected by dementia mate wareware. These services include but are not limited to:

  • Information and education to assist with understanding and living with a dementia mate wareware diagnosis
  • Support for whānau and friends coping with the demands of caring
  • Support groups and day programmes for people affected by dementia mate wareware

To get in touch with your local Alzheimers organisation, phone 0800 004 001, or visit our contact us page.

  • 2023 Annual Report Thumbnail Image

    2023 Annual Report

    Here are some of our highlights from 2023. We’re extremely proud of everything the Alzheimers NZ team has delivered and the wider sector has achieved.

We believe every New Zealander has the right to feel loved and supported – including the 70,000 people living with dementia mate wareware and their family and whānau.

No one who receives a diagnosis of dementia mate wareware should feel like they have been told to go home and “pack up their life”, as if they have no future. Sadly though, this is the experience faced by many.

It’s time Aotearoa New Zealand did a better job of supporting people living with dementia mate wareware to lead their best possible lives. So we are fighting to make sure people can get the services they need, provided with care, compassion, consideration and kindness.

With the right support, it is possible to live well with dementia mate wareware. This has been our focus for three decades. And it will continue to be our focus until our work is done.

As the national voice for people living with dementia mate wareware, we’ve got one job. To do everything we can to support people with dementia mate wareware, rolling up our sleeves and laying the bricks to build a dementia-friendly Aotearoa New Zealand.

We’ll know our work is done when every one of us receiving a diagnosis of dementia mate wareware comes away feeling confident in ourselves, knowing we have the love and support we need and feeling that: “I certainly know what road I’m travelling down. I’m not at the end of it yet.”

Until then, our road continues to be a long one.

Vision | Te Matakite

In Aotearoa New Zealand people living with dementia mate wareware are heard, valued and supported

I Aotearoa ka rangona, ka whakanuia, ka tautokona hoki te hunga kua pāngia e te mate wareware, me ō rātou whānau

Purpose | Te Whāinga

To provide quality and accessible support for people living with dementia mate wareware so they can live their best possible lives

Kia horaina he tautoko kounga tiketike, wātea ki te katoa o te hunga kua pāngia e te mate wareware me ō rātou whānau, kia eke tō rātou noho ki tōna tino teitei

People with dementia mate wareware, their carers, whānau and friends are the primary focus of Alzheimers New Zealand. We will promote and act with:


Working to the highest standards of quality, expertise, and professionalism in a fair and open manner to attain the optimum levels of performance and outcome.


Understanding and acknowledging the right of people affected by dementia mate wareware to be treated with dignity, to have their needs listened to and understood, to have access to appropriate care, and to have their differences acknowledged.


Recognising the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi of Partnership, Participation and Protection and is committed to meeting the diverse cultural needs of people with dementia and their whānau and carers.


Valuing the experience, skills and time contribution of people affected by dementia mate wareware and their carers, volunteers and staff who form the basis of the strength of our organisation.


Optimising our reputation and credibility as the leading organisation working for all people affected by dementia mate wareware and continuing to advocate to bring about positive changes for all people affected by dementia mate wareware.

Integration and Collaboration

Working within the organisation and with clients, stakeholders and the wider community through collaboration, innovation, advocacy, continuous learning and sharing of information to ensure a standard of excellence which is in the best interests of all those affected by dementia mate wareware.

Partnership is at the heart of everything we do. We’re proud members of:

Alzheimer's Disease International thumbnail image

Alzheimer's Disease International

NZ Carers Alliance thumbnail image

NZ Carers Alliance

The Neurological Alliance thumbnail image

The Neurological Alliance

Health Coalition Aotearoa thumbnail image

Health Coalition Aotearoa

Primary and Community Health Aotearoa thumbnail image

Primary and Community Health Aotearoa

Let's End Loneliness thumbnail image

Let's End Loneliness

Founding members

Younger Onset Dementia Aotearoa Trust (YODAT) thumbnail image

Younger Onset Dementia Aotearoa Trust (YODAT)

We partner with YODAT for their online support group.