
Contact details for the current MPs and how to address people in Parliament when you correspond with them are available on NZ Parliament website. 

  • Keep your letter or email short – maximum 250 words.
  • Use the example below to help you.
  • Always use a heading. For example, “We need urgent action to address dementia mate wareware”.
  • Make your most important point in the very first sentence.
  • Then use the next two or three paragraphs to say there is a Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan and what the Government needs to do is to implement the Plan.
  • Include some of these facts about impact of dementia mate wareware in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • Include the personal touch – how does this relate to you and your experience?
  • Ask them to respond to you.
  • If you are writing a letter to your MP, remember you don’t need a stamp to post it
  • MPs’ email addresses all use the same formula: 

For Example:

<Your address>


Dear/Tēnā koe <Name of MP or candidate>

We need urgent action to address dementia mate wareware

I am writing because I am very concerned about dementia mate wareware.

The numbers of people affected by dementia mate wareware are growing rapidly, but the Government has not done enough to deal with its massive impact on families, whānau and our health system.

We are worried about dementia mate wareware numbers and the lack of support. We also know the dementia sector has an action plan called the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan. So, we ask you to implement the Plan to help deal with the situation.

<Then add some facts, such as>

  • Almost 70,000 Kiwis were living with dementia mate wareware in 2020. 
  • An estimated 170,000 Kiwis will be living with dementia mate wareware by 2050. 
  • Four out of five New Zealanders know or have known someone living with dementia mate wareware. 
  • Dementia mate wareware impacts more women than men – around 30 per cent higher. 
  • In 2020, the total cost of dementia mate wareware to Aotearoa New Zealand was around $2.5 billion and will reach almost $6 billion by 2050.

<Write something more personal – about how dementia mate wareware affects you and your experience>

<Then finish with something like>

Can you please tell me what you and your Party will do about dementia mate wareware and its action plan?

<Pick one of these closing remarks>

Nāku, nā – Yours faithfully

Nāku iti noa, nā – Yours sincerely

Ngā mihi – Kind regards or thank you

Ngā mihi nui – Kind regards (with more emphasis on gratitude)
