Keep your letter very short – about 100 words. Most newspapers have guidelines either in the paper itself or online for writing Letters to the Editor.

Make your most important point in the very first sentence – Aotearoa New Zealand needs to address a national dementia mate wareware crisis.  

Use the next two or three paragraphs to say what crisis faced by dementia mate wareware sector and why the Government needs to act now to address the crisis.

For example, the dementia mate wareware sector is so concerned about the increasing numbers of and lack of support for people living with this health condition, the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan is in place, the Government needs to fully implement the Plan, to improve life for people with dementia mate wareware, their family, whānau, and reduce pressure to the health system.

Include some strong facts, which you can find here.

Include a personal touch – what is your experience?

Avoid jargon, acronyms, and get someone else to read it before sending.

Consider writing a longer piece, e.g. a blog or opinion piece (around 800 words – find some tips here)