Policy documents
Our policy documents are put together in collaboration with our Lived Experience Advisory Group of people, family and their whānau living with dementia mate wareware and local Alzheimers organisations. They are framed by a set of guiding principles that articulate our values and mission.
We also work closely with different organisations and are members of many different groups.
Briefing to the Incoming Minister
January 2025
We’ve shared our joint Briefing to the Incoming Minister with new Minister of Health Hon Simeon Brown. We have two key recommendations to Government to help tackle the dementia mate wareware challenge.
Budget 2025 recommendation
Our recommendation for Budget 2025 – alongside Dementia NZ – includes provision for $127.3 million over three years for Alzheimers and Dementia community-based organisations to support 37,400 families.
Health Select Committee
August 2024
Our submission to the Health Select Committee Inquiry into the aged care sector’s current and future capacity to provide support services for people experiencing neurological cognitive disorder.
Making the Case
The Making the Case highlights the importance of an integrated continuum of care for older people including people living with dementia mate wareware. This document was developed in collaboration with NZ Council of Christian Social Services to urge Government to take a holistic view of the aged care sector. The Making the case has two inserts containing information to support the case.
Election briefing
In our Election briefing 2023, we have urged Government to do these two things urgently actions to stem the worst impacts of the looming health crisis:
- Implement and fund the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan to reduce the rapidly growing incidence of dementia mate wareware among New Zealanders and provide better support for those diagnosed with the condition.
- Provide $9 million per year to stabilise community dementia mate wareware support services. Many of these services are on the brink of financial collapse.
Community-based dementia mate wareware services in Aotearoa New Zealand
Alzheimers NZ and Dementia NZ have worked together, along with people with lived experience, over the past 12 months to develop a comprehensive multi-modal service model to give effect to Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) 2022 and the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan. The model is grounded in core documents including Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022; Improving Dementia Mate Wareware Services in Aotearoa New Zealand Action Plan 2021; the Post-Diagnostic Community Services for People Living with Dementia Mate Wareware in Aotearoa NZ Literature Review 2022; the Dementia Economic Impact Report (DEIR) 2020; the World Alzheimer Report -Life after diagnosis: Navigating treatment, care and support 2022.
Policy position statements
Alzheimers NZ’s policy position statements address a range of issues that directly impact people living with dementia mate wareware and their whānau. The statements are responsive to issues that are current at the time of writing and developed for positive change for people living with dementia mate wareware.
- Feedback on the Taxation and the not-for profit sector consultation paper
- Submission to Ministry of Health's Long-Term Insights Briefing topic of unlocking the potential of active ageing
- Submission to Ministry of Social Development's Long-Term Insights Briefing on current and future disadvantage for older New Zealanders
- Submission on the review of the End of Life Choice Act 2019
- Submission on the review of the Health and Disability Commissioner Act and the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights
- Submission on the review of Adult Decision-Making Capacity Law Second Issues Paper
- Feedback on the recommendations from New Zealand’s fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the Human Rights Council
- Submission on the UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner’ s report
- Submission on the Universal Periodic Review for New Zealand to the United Nations Human Rights Council
- Submission on the development of the Health of Disabled People Strategy
- Submission on the development of NZ Women’s Health Strategy
- Submission on Review of Adult Decision-Making Capacity Law
- Submission on the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Amendment Bill
- Submission on the Charities Amendment Bill
- Submission on Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill