These webinars will be of interest to health professionals and others who are providing support and care to people living with dementia.
All presentations focus on the notion of personhood, as originally proposed by Tom Kitwood. This is the underlying philosophy of the Dementia Learning Centre.
The webinars are designed to support learning at an individual level. They could also be used as an educational support when providing in service sessions to staff.
Understanding people with dementia
Provides insights in how we as health professionals can manage behaviors that might challenge us while caring for someone with a diagnosis of dementia.
Music therapy
Looks at the unique role that music has in the care of people in all stages of dementia.
Pain at End of Life
Focuses on pain assessment and person-centred palliative care interventions for residents as they transition to end of life care.
Understanding challenging behavior
Understanding why someone is behaving in a particular way may help you to figure out what is happening and to come up with some ideas about how to cope.