Tō tātou tuakiri, ō tātou mōtika – Our identity, our rights
You may have to adapt and change how you do things as your dementia progresses but you will always be the same person.

Continue to do the things that are important to you. You are still a husband or wife, a grandparent, a friend and a workmate – a diagnosis of dementia does not change that.
We all identify with different cultural groups and communities. These can be related to gender, ethnicity, age, religion, occupation, disability or any other culture with which you relate. Everyone has a cultural identity that is unique and individual to them as well as shared by others.
Acceptance of dementia varies between individuals, whānau and larger communities of people and cultures. There are many ideas and attitudes about dementia. Your ideas may change as you learn more about dementia.
Staying active and connected to your community will help with wellbeing. Your community may have little knowledge about dementia and how people can be supportive. In this case you could talk with your local Alzheimers or Dementia organisation about providing education for your community.
You can now read the most popular pages on the Alzheimers New Zealand website in te reo Māori. Click the ‘mi’ button on the top right hand side of the homepage. The
Mate wareware app also provides information about dementia.
Dementia Australia has translated resources providing advice on many topics in a
range of languages on their website. The details about services will be different in Aotearoa.
The Moving Pictures project has produced short films with people from diverse communities living in Australia including Hindi, Tamil, Mandarin, Cantonese and Arabic-speaking communities. The films are orientated towards family information needs and cover Detection and Diagnosis, Navigating Care, and the Carer Journey. The details about services will be different in Aotearoa.
Our rights
As a person with dementia you have rights that cannot be taken away from you. You have the right to be treated with respect, to participate in decisions about your life, to be part of your community, to not be discriminated against and all the other rights that someone without a dementia diagnosis has.
The Dementia Declaration: Our Lives Matter has been developed by the members of the Alzheimers New Zealand Advisory Group, people who have come together to make a difference for all people affected by dementia.
The Group includes people with a diagnosis of dementia and whānau who provide support. If you are keen to become involved in an Alzheimers New Zealand Advisory Group at local or national level or would like to find out more, please call us 04 387 8264.
Dementia Alliance International is a global self advocacy organisation of people with dementia. It works in partnership with organisations such as Alzheimers New Zealand. All people with dementia can join and and get involved with online groups and education activities.
Booklet: Living with dementia
A guide for people diagnosed with dementia
This booklet is written for people who have been diagnosed with dementia to give you information and to help you continue to live well. The booklet suggests ways to look after yourself including how to adjust to change and managing your day, as well as working, driving, keeping involved and active and planning for the future.