Transitioning into residential care
Deciding to find an alternative to caring for someone with dementia at home can be an extremely difficult decision.

This may be particularly true if the person with dementia is a long-term partner or spouse. While nothing can take away how difficult this situation is, being prepared can help making the decision less stressful.
Knowing about the available services, government policies and costs of residential care beforehand can help you make the best decisions, even if they have to be made quickly.
This page is designed to provide information about transitioning from home to residential care. It provides information on:
- deciding on residential care
- what to look for when choosing a care facility
- how to cope when the person you have been caring for goes into residential care.
Remember, you are not alone – help is only a phone call away. Contact your local organisation for support or information on 0800 004 001.
Transitioning into residential care
A guide for people caring for someone with dementia
Deciding to find an alternative to caring for someone with dementia at home can be an extremely difficult decision. This resource is designed to provide information about transitioning from home to residential care. The booklet provides information on topics such as deciding on residential care, what to look for when choosing a care facility, and how to cope when the person you have been caring for goes into residential care.